Tuesday 6 August 2013

can someone

sweep me off my feet. play with my hair. suggest we go play with puppies. make me a home cooked meal. tell me i mean the world to them. make me smile. play hide and seek with me. laugh at my bad jokes. laugh at my good jokes. walk with me. talk with me. be okay with me.

it's just one of those days where nothing is going right and i just want to pack up my things and drive somewhere new. i want to explore and see and experience. i feel like there is so much out there and i am confined to this small place. i need a push, something to get me started. 

Sunday 28 July 2013

high school

looking back i think that i don't like high school because it's where i lost who i am. grade ten me had so much more awesomeness than current me has. is it possible to go back and get that? time machine? worm holes? 

the me today just wishes that it was more like the me five years ago; that's when i knew what it was like to actually be me, and i was happy with it. 


it's so much more exciting to be excited abut something with other people rather than being excited alone while no one else cares. 

Friday 26 July 2013


so excited for the next few days. opportunities are always around, you just have to look. i took a chance and we'll see how it goes. 

advice to anyone that sees this: take a shot, you just might be rewarded. 

Thursday 25 July 2013

sunny days

we've finally had some nice days here where i live. last week the weather was brutal: storms and gloom took over. these last few days have been gorgeous. i've taken the dog for walks, and just find that i'm overall more happy.

crazy how a little sunshine changes everything.

Saturday 22 June 2013

does money talk?

at this point in my life, it doesn't. lately i have been noticing how easily people are swayed by the thought of making more money. it doesn't appeal to me. 
i work somewhere where some people make alot of money, and others make an average amount, able to provide enough for their families. as i meet more people and learn their ranks, i realize that the people who make the most money are the most unhappy. 
they see their family less. they are on call, work long hours, constantly have to travel places. sure, they can provide and give more than enough to their families, that is truly admirable. they work hard and deserve that payment. 
but when does the money stop talking? is it after you've missed a few of your daughter's dance recitals? your son's meet the teacher night three years in a row?
i would really like to know.
for me, i'm just a young person, still not 20. but working here makes me realize how important it is to love what you do. don't get me wrong, some of those people who make all that money make their job work for them. they set the rules, they make things happen. but those who are just in it for the paycheck, how good does it feel? is it worth it?

i just don't understand how now, at this age, people are already so obsessed with making money. 
i would rather work 40 hours a week being paid minimum wage and loving what i do, rather than 20 hours a week being paid double minimum wage and despising what i do. 

just to clarify, i am very grateful to be working where i work and making what i make. but eventually, (and already i've learned this) the money stops talking. 
shift work is not fun; it ruins plans, sleep patterns, and emotionally and physically drains you. i just feel like some people don't get it until they're there. 
it's easy to say "stop complaining, you make X per hour." but it's more than that. 

so much more. 

Tuesday 18 June 2013

that healthy life

so today is day two of my yoga adventure. i've signed up at a new gym and am hoping to change myself. i want to get to know myself better and make myself better, emotionally first, and then physically.
so far this is hard. I have a wicked sweet tooth, but i'm going to try my best. i like the feeling of working out. i like sweating. that's the best part: knowing that you're working your body. the soreness is worth it. for me at least. 
maybe you're trying something new too? i wish you the best of luck in your endeavors. it is so hard, but it will be worth it. let's work together. let's make it happen! 
this woman is my inspiration.

she lives every day doing what she loves and feeling happy. she shares it with the world and i thank her. she makes me want to try and fail and fail again and then maybe someday, succeed. practice makes for improvement. and that's all i'm hoping for. 

have an awesome day :)