Saturday 22 June 2013

does money talk?

at this point in my life, it doesn't. lately i have been noticing how easily people are swayed by the thought of making more money. it doesn't appeal to me. 
i work somewhere where some people make alot of money, and others make an average amount, able to provide enough for their families. as i meet more people and learn their ranks, i realize that the people who make the most money are the most unhappy. 
they see their family less. they are on call, work long hours, constantly have to travel places. sure, they can provide and give more than enough to their families, that is truly admirable. they work hard and deserve that payment. 
but when does the money stop talking? is it after you've missed a few of your daughter's dance recitals? your son's meet the teacher night three years in a row?
i would really like to know.
for me, i'm just a young person, still not 20. but working here makes me realize how important it is to love what you do. don't get me wrong, some of those people who make all that money make their job work for them. they set the rules, they make things happen. but those who are just in it for the paycheck, how good does it feel? is it worth it?

i just don't understand how now, at this age, people are already so obsessed with making money. 
i would rather work 40 hours a week being paid minimum wage and loving what i do, rather than 20 hours a week being paid double minimum wage and despising what i do. 

just to clarify, i am very grateful to be working where i work and making what i make. but eventually, (and already i've learned this) the money stops talking. 
shift work is not fun; it ruins plans, sleep patterns, and emotionally and physically drains you. i just feel like some people don't get it until they're there. 
it's easy to say "stop complaining, you make X per hour." but it's more than that. 

so much more. 

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